Ethernet Over Copper Guru

Where it is available, customers are chosing Ethernet Over Copper (EoC) for diverse backup
and sometimes
in place of DSL, T1, cellular, satellite, DS3 or Cable Connections.

Ethernet over Copper (EoC) Service

Bandwidth delivered via Ethernet over Copper service is replacing legacy TDM services such as DSL, T1, satellite; and, sometimes, DS3 and Cable Connections. Some of the main reasons for the migration to Ethernet services are:

Ethernet bandwidth service can be delivered via fiber or via Ethernet over Copper (EoC). These Ethernet circuits can be direct connections to the internet, connections into a LAN or WAN, and for networks can provide private line service between 2 locations, virtual private line service between one hub and a number of other locations or LAN sevice where all locations can communicate directly with all other locations.

In those locations where EoC is available, typically it can be installed faster than fiber and, for lower bandwidths, is often available at a lower cost. To find the best Ethernet over Copper option for your location(s), you can use the following to check out several providers' offerings. Similar to how Travelocity or Priceline work for flights, this site will check out the availability and pricing from at least 30 different providers and we will assist you in choosing the most appropriate option(s) for your situation. Run quotes at IP Ethernet Options.